Beginning in July 2024, we will be noting new functionality in this article.
December 2024 releases
- Terms now have the ability to add External Term Codes to help you integrate with additional platforms. This new field can be created in Genius and is available in the API.
- We have added Direct Enrollment URLs to give you the ability to create unique URLs that bypass catalog visibility settings and validations in checkout. This way you can prevent certain course sections or learning paths from displaying in the general catalog and have the ability to send a direct URL to certain users.
- Accessibility updates include page titles for all admin and learner pages, color contrast fixes, alt text for all images, adding missing labels and more.
- We now have the ability for guardians to register a learner or multiple learners under 18 for a course or summer camp. Currently, this feature can enabled by a Genius team member.
November 2024 releases
- Catalog updates
- Pricing is now available on the course card without having to click into more details. It will always be a range of $lowestprice - $highestprice to allow for more transparency.
- Sections are now listed in order of start date.
- All hyperlinks in course descriptions will open in a new tab without having to edit the html code.
- API updates including exposing external course codes and user addresses.
October 2024 releases
- The following GET calls have been added to the API:
- GET /affiliations/{affiliationId}
- GET /courses/{courseId}
- GET /departments/{departmentId}
- GET /sections/{sectionId}
- GET /enrollments/{enrollmentId}
- GET /roles/{roleId}
- GET /lms/{lmsId}
- New Financials data by Account
September 2024 releases
- Course Catalog Update:
- New filters have been added based on user feedback including available for registration to help learners find courses that are available today.
- Now all courses and learning paths appear in the Course Catalog to allow for a more simplified searching process.
- New Affiliation Custom Fields page that matches the experience of Admin Custom Fields.
- New variable for certificates, COMPLETION_DATE_FULL which will return the following format: Date_DDMMYYYY.
- Learner Dashboard Updates
- Added dates for current enrollments based on learner feedback
- Added a Sync Data button alongside Last Sync Date
August 2024 releases
- Cybersource is now available as a payment gateway.
- New Learner Dashboard. We have rolled out a new opt-in Learner Dashboard aimed at simplifying the experience for learners. Learners will have the option to opt into the new experience or continuing to use the legacy dashboard. The new dashboard includes:
- Simplified viewing - quickly view Active Course, Active Learning Paths, Pending Course, and Completed Course. Sections will be hidden if not applicable.
- Updated Course Layouts - more visible and easier to access.
- Additional URL flexibility to allow for more shareable course catalog content.
July 2024 releases
- Learner import file now allows for primary affiliation to be included. Old versions of the file are still compatible.
- Xetta is now available as a payment gateway.
- As an admin, if you are doing an external course import and adding the equivalent course (using CourseIndex, Course Name or Course Code), it will now count towards completion of a Learning Path or Prerequisite similar to if a learner reported their own external course for credit.
- Now, you can use Google Analytics in tandem with your Genius+ instance to gain insights on the effectiveness of your business strategies and plans. To read more, go to this article.
- Genius is excited to announce updates to our course catalog experience in the Genius+ platform. The updates to this catalog provide users with better ways to find the offerings that they need!
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