New Learning Path Feature Release
There is a new feature on the Learning Path edit page to configure expiration and renewal for the specified Learning Path.
- If the ‘Auto Expire’ and ‘Auto Renew’ are set to false, Genius+ will not expire or have a renewal workflow.
Enabling ‘Auto Expire’, after a period, will mark the Learning Path as “expired”. The expiration date is calculated based on the Start Date of the enrollment in the Learning Path.
Enabling ‘Auto Renew’, will trigger the system to reenroll the learner in the same Learning Path to renew the certification or program.
Here is an explanation for each field:
- Auto Expire: Enables or disables the automatic expiration routine.
- Expire Type: The type of expiration rule.
- FixedMonth: Expires on a specific month of the year (e.g., December).
- ExpireMonths: The number of months from the learner's enrollment start date of the Learning Path from when it will expire.
- Expire Specific Month: When the type is FixedMonth, this field will appear for the user to choose the month of expiration. In this scenario, the setting will always display the last day of the month.
- Auto Renew: Enables or disables the automatic renewal routine.
- Renew Type: The type of renewal rule.
- AfterExpire: Always renews after the expiration. This option looks at the expiration rule and always displays the first day of the subsequent month after expiration.
- FixedMonth: Always renews on a specific month of the year. (Always considers the first day of the month.)
- Renew Specific Month: When the type is FixedMonth, this field will appear for the user to choose the month of renewal. In this scenario, it will always include the first day of the month.
Jobs “LearningPathExpires.ExpireStudentLearningPathByMonths”
The job responsible for processing the expiration type "ExpireMonths" will drop all active enrollments and change the status of the Learning Path to "EXPIRED". When using the "ExpireMonths" type, the system calculates the expiration date based on the number of months specified from the start of the Learning Path. Once that expiration date is reached, the job will take action to drop all active enrollments associated with the Learning Path and set its status to "EXPIRED".
Jobs “LearningPathExpires.ExpireStudentLearningPathBySpecificMonth”
For the "FixedMonth" type, the process calculates a specific expiration date based on the chosen month and year. Once that fixed expiration date is reached, the job will take action to drop all active enrollments associated with the Learning Path and set its status to "EXPIRED".
Jobs “LearningPathRenew.RenewStudentLearningPathAfterExpire”
When attempting to renew a Learning Path with the "AfterExpire" type, the process will first verify if there is any active Learning Path. If a learner is still enrolled in an active Learning Path, the process will not complete. This means that before renewing the Learning Path, the existing learning path enrollment needs to be expired. Only then will this job create a new enrollment of the Learning Path for the learner.
Jobs “LearningPathRenew. RenewStudentLearningPathFixedMonth”
For the "FixedMonth" type, the process calculates a specific renewing date based on the chosen month and year. When attempting to renew a Learning Path with the "FixedMonth" type, the process will first verify if there is any active Learning Path. If a learner is still enrolled in an active Learning Path, the process will not complete. This means that before renewing the Learning Path, the existing learning path enrollment needs to be expired. Only then will this job create a new enrollment of the Learning Path for the learner.
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