Experiential Learning is a way to track a learner's progress in learning initiatives that happen outside of the online learning environment. In this article, we explain how to utilize this feature for your Genius+ instance.
Enabling and Disabling Experiential Learning
There is a parameter called “ENABLE_EXPERIENTIAL_LEARNING” where 0 disables the Experiential Learning module and 1 enables it.
When the instance was created, the experiential Learning Module is disabled (“0” is a default value).
Once the module is disabled, all menus and functionalities related to it will be hidden.
Curriculum Configuration
Under menu "Administration" -> "Experiential Learning" -> "Curricula", the curriculum can be created and maintained.
On this page, you can create a new curriculum by clicking on the "Add New Curriculum" button.
Here is an explanation for each field:
- Name: Name for the created curriculum.
- Status: Status for the created curriculum.
You can add files and documents to the curriculum by clicking on the following button:
On this screen below, it is possible to upload all the files that make part of the curriculum.
On this screen below, you can add the tasks that make part of the curriculum by clicking on the following button:
When you click on edit tasks button you will be able to select the tasks that will be part of the curriculum.
There is an option to bulk edit the status of one or more curriculum by selecting the records and pressing the "Bulk Change Status" button, a modal window will appear to select the new status for the items selected previously.
Tasks Configuration
All the tasks should be added or edited by the page "Administration" -> "Experiential Learning" -> "Tasks". where task creation and maintenance can be performed.
The new task can be added by clicking on the "Add New Task" button.
Here is an explanation for each field:
- Status: Status for the created task.
- No. of Interactions: Number of interactions required to complete the task.
- Category: Category for the created task.
- Title: The title for the created task.
- Conditions: Conditions that must be met to complete the task.
- Performance Standard: Task acceptance criteria.
At the moment the task is being edited, there is an option to "Create a new Version" of the task. This option generates a copy of the current task with an updated version number.
There are three options for batch changes on this screen.
- Bulk Assign to Curriculum.
- Bulk Change Status.
- Bulk Change Category.
Bulk Assign to Curriculum
This option allows to add all the selected tasks to a specific curriculum.
Bulk Change Status
This option allows to change the status of all the selected tasks.
Bulk Change Category
This option allows to change the category of all the selected tasks. To add a new Category, locate the ‘Lists’ menu under Administration and find the 'Task Category' in the menu drop-down. Utilizing the ‘Search menu…’ at the top lefthand side corner will help to locate the menu quicker. Add as many categories as needed to group the tasks accordingly.
Associate a section with a curriculum
When creating a new section or editing an existing one, it is possible to associate a curriculum from the Experiential Learning module. This association allows the system to recognize that when a learner is enrolled in that section, they will have access to the associated curriculum in the learner dashboard.
Associate a curriculum with a Reviewer
There are two ways to allow a user in the Genius system to become a reviewer for a particular curriculum.
- Add a particular user as the reviewer for a specific curriculum:
- Navigate to the Reviewers page under the Experiential Learning module in the Administration menu.
- Click the blue button titled “Add new Reviewer”.
- Change Status to “Active”.
- Select the Curriculum you are adding a reviewer for.
- Enter the related user’s first or last name and click “Search By Name”.
- After clicking “Search By Name”, click the check box next to the user you wish to make a reviewer.
- Click the blue button labeled as “Save”!
- Add all users of a particular role as reviewers for a particular curriculum
- Navigate to the Reviewers page under the Experiential Learning module in the Administration menu.
- Click the blue button titled “Add Reviewer by role”.
- Select the Role of users that you wish to make Reviewers.
- Select the Curriculum you are adding reviewers for.
- Click the blue button labeled as “Save”!
Learner Dashboard
Once the learner is enrolled in a section with a curriculum from Experiential Learning module, the "Experiential Learning" menu option is enabled. Here the learner can check the pending tasks, details for the task and submit a task to the evaluator.
Also, the learner can download all the files related to the curriculum.
To view the files available for the curriculum, click on the “view” link:
When accessing this link, all the files from this curriculum will be listed and the learner can proceed to download them.
It is possible to generate a PDF with the complete details of the curriculum by clicking on the "Print Curricula" link.
To create a new interaction, simply click on the following option:
When you click on edit button for the task, the following screen will open:
Fields definition:
- Reviewer: The person who will evaluate your submission for completion of the task.
- Completed Date: The date you completed this task.
- Notes: Any extra relevant information related to the task (e.g. type of track/equipment, location, subdivision, etc.)
After submitting the interaction to the reviewer, they will receive an email to evaluate the information provided in the interaction. In this email, the reviewer will be able, via link, to approve or deny the interaction.
Task Records (Sections)
There is a report in the section record where the reviewer can approve or deny the interactions created by the learner. This option is in the "Task Records" menu in the section's context.
For each learner, it is possible to expand and view more details.
It is possible to edit the status and comments of the interactions. For the status, the reviewer can approve or deny the interaction. After finishing the editing, click in the "Save" button to save all the changes.
** Please note that this page allows batch editing. All the edits are saved when you press the "Save" button.
Task Records (Learners)
It is possible to make the same edits that we have in the Section > Task Records in the learner profile.
The functionality is exactly the same as described above. The only difference is that in this case, we will display the information filtered by the learner.
Job “ExperientialLearning.CalculateAssignments”
The logic used to calculate grades for the learner is handled by a job that is responsible to check the number of completed interactions the learner did on the tasks and calculate the grade based on percentage of the total tasks completed by the learner.
e. g:
Completed Tasks: 8
Total # of Taks: 10
Grade: 80%
Job “ExperientialLearning.DeniedNonAnsweredTasks”
This job is responsible for automatically denying tasks without a response after a certain period, configured via parameter.
After a period without response the task is automatically denied.
Job “ExperientialLearning.SendEmailSubmittedFormVerification”
This job is responsible for resending the verification email for approval after a period of time after the learner submits one interaction. It allows the system to resend the verification email to the evaluator for approval. The number of emails resend requests is limited to the maximum number configured in the parameter settings.
Job “ExperientialLearning.SendReportCoaches”
This job is responsible for sending curriculum report by learner via email to all coaches. This feature enables the system to send reports via email to all users who have the role of "COACH" configured in the parameter "COACH_ROLES."
Job “ExperientialLearning.SendReportInstructors”
This job is responsible for sending curriculum report by learner via email to all. This feature enables the system to send reports via email to all users who have the role of "Instructor."
Job “ExperientialLearning.SendReportManagers”
This job is responsible for sending curriculum report by learner via email to all managers, specifically users with the "AFFILIATION" privilege.
- ENABLE_EXPERIENTIAL_LEARNING: Enable or disable the Experiential Learning module. 0 - Disabled 1 – Enabled.
- PRINTABLE_EXPERIENTIAL_LEARNING_CURRICULUM_LOGO: The image that will be used in an Experiential Learning PDF Documentation.
- EXPERIENTIAL_LEARNING_VERIFICATION_REQUESTS_ATTEMPTS: The number of times the system will send a request to the trainer's email while it remains pending can be configured in the system settings. This value determines how many email reminders or notifications will be sent to the trainer to prompt them for a response or action. It helps ensure that trainers receive timely reminders and prompts to address pending tasks or requests.
- EXPERIENTIAL_LEARNING_VERIFICATION_PERIOD: The period that the system will wait for approval or denial of the request before automatically denying it can be configured in the system settings. This timeframe determines the duration within which the system expects a response from the relevant party. If no response is received within this configured period, the system will automatically deny the request. This feature helps manage and enforce timely responses to requests within the defined timeframe.
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